Being able to defend oneself in times of danger is an important skill to have. However, even with the best training, the unfortunate truth is that...
Title: “Empower Yourself: Women’s Self Defense Techniques for Safety and Confidence” Hello ladies, my name is Jade Tripp and I am here to guide you on...
Comes in fully rubberized body for a non-slip grip, a built-in wall rechargeable battery. . Order yours at … source
In a landmark court ruling that has sent shockwaves through the legal community, the role of self-defense in the legal system has been redefined and clarified....
Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Self Defense – Master Royler Gracie and Leticia Ribeiro. source
Hello ladies! I’m Jade Tripp, your go-to expert in women’s self defense and personal protection. Today, we’re going to discuss some important tips and techniques to...
As a woman, it’s important to prioritize your safety and well-being, especially when you’re out and about in public. One of the best ways to protect...
In an effort to educate students in the area of self-defense, the Lehigh University Police Department offers instruction in the Rape … source
Title: “Empower Yourself: The Importance of Women’s Self-Defense and Personal Protection” Hello ladies, my name is Jade Tripp and I am here to talk to you...
While I am a huge fan and advocate for martial arts and self defense (having participated in jiu jitsu and MMA for many years), … source